Well its here folks - the cost for not speaking up is that Tweety Bird is still running the show. The dumbing down of the masses’ ability to think critically, never ending greed mongering of the money machines, unscrupulous denial of the escalating damage to climate and sacred Mother Earth via unquenchable consumerism, and entertainment tonight style news reporting for ratings rather than integrity reporting for the truth, abounds like the continent size toxic stew of plastic trash in the Pacific Ocean. Yum! Its like we’ve become a world of Elmer Fudds doomed to continue falling prey.
We see it, feel it, talk about it, complain about it. BUT most people still want to operate in the same old way, yet expect a positive change - DAH! Like Daffy Duck I, like you, witness it on a daily basis in every aspect of life where folks agree with something they secretly don’t rather than speak the truth for fear of not being liked or upsetting the apple cart in a way that might negatively affect them. Its an epidemic of Daffy Ducks ducking their responsibility, and the same old way of doing things still backfires.
Well the jig is up folks. The snowball is at the top of the mountain getting ready to roll down the other side picking up speed “faster than a speeding bullet, locomotive and leaping a tall building” combined. Many of the great thinkers on this planet feel we are at the precipice or the “NO Turning Back” zone where the snowball will land faster than an anvil on Wylie Coyote. Ouch – for centuries – if any survive.
We have a moral obligation to speak the truth. The secret is to speak it with honesty, consideration, openness and well… Love. There, I said it – love. Too often we think of speaking the truth as more of a sword of war rather than than a word of rectification. “You don’t need a hatchet to remove a fly from your friend’s forehead.” Chinese Proverb
Parents especially have an obligation to show their children, by example, that they gain self-respect, form positive self-mastery habits and gain courage and confidence when they speak the truth with integrity and love – on all fronts.
Is it easy? NO Is it right? YES You know what to do – so do it!
So in the name of Porky Pig – that’s all folks - literally - if we don't take individual and collective responsibility.
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